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1.7. Error Handling

When an error occurs in one of the UNIX System functions, a negative value is often returned, and the integer errno is usually set to a value that gives additional information. For example, the open function returns either a non-negative file descriptor if all is OK or 1 if an error occurs. An error from open has about 15 possible errno values, such as file doesn't exist, permission problem, and so on. Some functions use a convention other than returning a negative value. For example, most functions that return a pointer to an object return a null pointer to indicate an error.

The file <errno.h> defines the symbol errno and constants for each value that errno can assume. Each of these constants begins with the character E. Also, the first page of Section 2 of the UNIX system manuals, named intro(2), usually lists all these error constants. For example, if errno is equal to the constant EACCES, this indicates a permission problem, such as insufficient permission to open the requested file.

On Linux, the error constants are listed in the errno(3) manual page.

POSIX and ISO C define errno as a symbol expanding into a modifiable lvalue of type integer. This can be either an integer that contains the error number or a function that returns a pointer to the error number. The historical definition is

   extern int errno;

But in an environment that supports threads, the process address space is shared among multiple threads, and each thread needs its own local copy of errno to prevent one thread from interfering with another. Linux, for example, supports multithreaded access to errno by defining it as

   extern int *_ _errno_location(void);
   #define errno  (*_ _errno_location())

There are two rules to be aware of with respect to errno. First, its value is never cleared by a routine if an error does not occur. Therefore, we should examine its value only when the return value from a function indicates that an error occurred. Second, the value of errno is never set to 0 by any of the functions, and none of the constants defined in <errno.h> has a value of 0.

Two functions are defined by the C standard to help with printing error messages.

#include <string.h>

char *strerror(int errnum);

Returns: pointer to message string

This function maps errnum, which is typically the errno value, into an error message string and returns a pointer to the string.

The perror function produces an error message on the standard error, based on the current value of errno, and returns.

#include <stdio.h>

void perror(const char *msg);

It outputs the string pointed to by msg, followed by a colon and a space, followed by the error message corresponding to the value of errno, followed by a newline.


Figure 1.8 shows the use of these two error functions.

If this program is compiled into the file a.out, we have

   $ ./a.out
   EACCES: Permission denied
   ./a.out: No such file or directory

Note that we pass the name of the programargv[0], whose value is ./a.outas the argument to perror. This is a standard convention in the UNIX System. By doing this, if the program is executed as part of a pipeline, as in

   prog1 < inputfile | prog2 | prog3 > outputfile

we are able to tell which of the three programs generated a particular error message.

Figure 1.8. Demonstrate strerror and perror
#include "apue.h"
#include <errno.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    fprintf(stderr, "EACCES: %s\n", strerror(EACCES));
    errno = ENOENT;

Instead of calling either strerror or perror directly, all the examples in this text use the error functions shown in Appendix B. The error functions in this appendix let us use the variable argument list facility of ISO C to handle error conditions with a single C statement.

Error Recovery

The errors defined in <errno.h> can be divided into two categories: fatal and nonfatal. A fatal error has no recovery action. The best we can do is print an error message on the user's screen or write an error message into a log file, and then exit. Nonfatal errors, on the other hand, can sometimes be dealt with more robustly. Most nonfatal errors are temporary in nature, such as with a resource shortage, and might not occur when there is less activity on the system.

Resource-related nonfatal errors include EAGAIN, ENFILE, ENOBUFS, ENOLCK, ENOSPC, ENOSR, EWOULDBLOCK, and sometimes ENOMEM. EBUSY can be treated as a nonfatal error when it indicates that a shared resource is in use. Sometimes, EINTR can be treated as a nonfatal error when it interrupts a slow system call (more on this in Section 10.5).

The typical recovery action for a resource-related nonfatal error is to delay a little and try again later. This technique can be applied in other circumstances. For example, if an error indicates that a network connection is no longer functioning, it might be possible for the application to delay a short time and then reestablish the connection. Some applications use an exponential backoff algorithm, waiting a longer period of time each iteration.

Ultimately, it is up to the application developer to determine which errors are recoverable. If a reasonable strategy can be used to recover from an error, we can improve the robustness of our application by avoiding an abnormal exit.

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